Study your Bible, don't just read or listen to it. Be actively involved in consuming the words of God. I like reading whole books of the Bible at once over a few days. Themes pop out and I naturally start thinking how to do the Bible. Look up commentaries and read about the history and setting. Most of what I write on this site comes from studying whole books of the Bible and then getting ideas from God.
Pray daily, multiple times per day, preferably in mornings, more preferably unceasingly. Prayer is about spending time with your good Heavenly Father, who so much wants you to know Him more. The most you can do is pray. True God-inspired ministry starts with prayer and seeking His will.
Show up to work, school, church, ministry events, and life. Be social. Be hospitable. Show up and pray in the Spirit. God will use you.
Obey the words of God. Exercise and maximize your God-given faith, so it produces obedience and good works. If you are a Christian, you have sold yourself into slavery to Jesus. You belong to Him. But Jesus calls you His friend. Still, do the work of a good slave which is to obey the will of your master.
Contact Info:
Gary Moreau
Documents groups of non-Christians and the various types of current and future Christians, God's and our view's and actions towards them, and which group we have effective evangelism and discipleship to. God has a full timeless view of people, and we don't. We should listen to God more.
Romans flowchart
Documents a major portion of the book of Romans especially how it pertains to current day gentile Christians. I include other info from NT and some notes on types of people, what saving faith looks like, and some about Heaven and Hell.
Salvation Process flowchart
This documents the salvation process, from before creation to end of the world. It it based on my specific theological views.
For me it started with this chart. God called me in 2003 to document John 15 vine and branches.
This documents shows the parts of Heaven and Hell, and who is there at specific times in history. The actual names of the places such as Hades and Sheol are debatable, for example some Bible translations use Sheol in place of Hades.
(Open PDF file and search for article title or date, refer to Facebook posts below for titles and dates)
updated 2/4/2025
Worldly behavior/Repentance
Selfish communication 2/4/2025
Cut off what makes you sin 8/5/2024
Forgiveness, amends, reconciliation 6/20/2024
The need for repentance 6/20/2024
Confess your sins to God 6/20/2024
An over controlling person 1/22/2024
Why do we have sexual sin? 10/2/2023
Thou shall not covet 10/2/2023
Lust of the Mind Part 3 8/2/2023
Lust of the Mind Part 2 8/2/2023
Lust of the Mind Part 1 8/2/2023
Christians have a choice in how to live - flesh vs. spirit 10/3/2021
Christian view of homosexuality 6/2/2021
Root of all Evil - Idols 2/21/2021
Walk in the Light, 1 John 1 1/30/2021
Anxiety and Depression 1/24/2021
Christian view of our politics 11/16/2020
What if all abortions were illegal? 11/6/2020
How Christians can defeat division and hatred in our country
Abortion and Christians 10/19/2020
Sexless marriage solution 10/16/2020
The silent sin of men and boys (pornography)
Source of our anger? 3/28/2020
Purpose of trials? (it’s all good) 2/21/2020
Don’t let sin take over your life 1/24/2020
The True Circumcision 2/4/2025
Ask God and it will be given to you 9/7/2024
What percent Christian am I? 7/3/2024
A deeper look at abiding in Jesus 6/20/2024
Disconnect from my noises 6/20/2024
Let God do what only He can do 6/20/2024
Daily focus on Jesus and obey 6/20/2024
Come to God like a child 12/4/2021
Prayer the greater works 10/18/2021
Prayed up and Bibled up to the max 1/12/2021
Remember your personal times with God 12/24/2020
Knowledge, hope and purity 11/5/2020
What does it mean to abide in Jesus? John 15 10/29/2020
Prayer each morning 10/26/2020
Who is prayer for? Who does it help?
(and Brother Lawrence) 10/16/2019
Obedience to God/Serving God
Preparation for an assignment 8/5/2024
Doing good works for God 8/5/2024
Living out my faith publicly 8/5/2024
Serving God the right way 7/13/2024
Lord, what is your will 6/20/2024
God working through us 6/20/2024
Equipped for the mission of making disciples 1/22/2024
Good and faithful servant 1/22/2024
Produce fruit keeping with repentance 10/20/2023
Hands and Feet of Jesus 6/26/2023
Live out loud - live a public Christian life 6/3/2023
Know and reject wrong teaching 6/3/2023
Are you ready to be used by God? 12/12/2022
How do you put Jesus first in your life? 11/7/2022
How much do you really love God and others? 8/17/2022
Love God more than the things of the world 10/31/2021
How to hear God's voice 10/3/2021
49 commandments of Jesus 8/31/2021
Be Urgent and Useful 3/25/2021
Fasting, prayer and temptation in the desert – Matthew 4 1/31/2021
2nd Chances from God - Lesson from Jonah 11/22/2020
God, I am useless to You 10/1/2020
God, your best friend 9/13/2020
Are you useful to God? 9/1/2020
A time of preparation 8/12/2020
Called to be an evangelist 7/14/2020
So what do obedient children of God do?
Our service as priests 01/24/2020
Stand firm in Jesus’ teaching 10/23/2019
Are you a hard worker? 10/19/2019
Obedience is required 10/9/2019
How to live a holy life and resists sin? 8/7/2019
Do you choose to live or die? 8/2/2019
Should Christians have a to do list? 7/10/2019
Keep your eyes on Jesus 6/21/2019
Becoming like Jesus/Sanctification
Blessed are the poor in spirit 2/4/2025
We are created in God's image 4/8/2021
Have you worked out today? (Geek version) 8/1/2019
Requirements of discipleship 8/5/2024
The Holy Spirit in me 7/13/2024
Looking like Jesus - The sermon on the mount 6/20/2024
Pride leading to humility 1/22/2024
Your Spiritual Health 1/22/2024
New Year resolutions 1/22/2024
Solutions using Jesus' attributes 1/22/2024
Do not lean on your own understanding 12/27/2022
What does a true Christian look like? 11/7/2022
Does Jesus have the proper position in your life? 11/7/2022
What are you known for? 8/17/2022
When our fear is bigger than our God 8/17/2022
Do you really want to become more like Christ? 8/17/2022
Our spiritual roller coaster ride 6/12/2022
About Spiritual Gifts 3/6/2022
Take thoughts captive 3/6/2022
Offer your body to Jesus 3/6/2022
God's love is forever 1/3/2022
Christ is in me - Romans 8 10/20/2021
Daily battle against self 5/11/2021
What can we learn from Job's friends 4/22/2021
What we can learn from Job's response to
Jesus loved the hated 4/20/2021
Independence vs. Relationship 2/13/2021
Look forward to the next thing God is doing 12/26/2020
Source your joy in God 12/24/2020
Importance of Christians meeting together 11/11/2020
Learning to age well 8/25/2020
The process of making us holy 8/12/2020
Move beyond your fleshly pleasures 4/5/2020
What is your identity? 4/5/2020
Aliens in a foreign land 3/28/2020
A call to discipleship and spiritual growth
God gave us a new spirit 11/21/2019
Why should we desire sanctification
Sustaining and growing the new church
(early church history) 8/1/2019
Who had the greatest faith in the New Testament?
What does a holy sanctified Christian
Compare ourselves to the first Christians 6/25/2019
Millenniums speak the truth to the church 6/20/2019
Tozer spiritual health 6/20/2019
Biblical instruction to or about specific groups of people
Recovery from the bondage of sin 1/22/2024
What will I be when I grow up? 6/3/2023
Boundaries and consequences for different types of people 3/15/2023
How tough is it for rich people to go to Heaven? 8/17/2022
Roles of husbands and wives - Dysfunctional marriages 4/10/2022
Should we expect nonbelievers to be holy? 3/23/2022
Should we expect nonbelievers to be holy? 3/23/2022
Unequally yoked in marriage regarding sexual desire 3/9/2022
Ready to quit your marriage? 9/1/2021
What is a good friend? 7/18/2021
US Christian youth and societal issues 8/8/2020
Deal with people in church with mercy
Charge to Timothy from Paul 11/21/2019
Does your church do Christian discipline?
How should you speak to people outside
Qualifications for a Bible teacher 10/9/2019
Paul's final instructions at the end of
Paul’s prayer for people (and us) 10/9/2019
Who does Paul seek to please? 10/8/2019
Living among the unsaved 10/8/2019
Bible Commands to Wives, Husbands, Children,
Parents, Bond Servants, and Masters 7/25/2019
How hard is it for rich people to go to Heaven?
The reign of the Lord's anointed (Psalm 2) 7/3/2024
Order of events of mostly people on earth in Revelation Part 3 3/10/2023
Order of events of mostly people on earth in Revelation Part 2 3/10/2023
Order of events of mostly people on earth in Revelation Part 1 3/10/2023
Some possible definitions in Revelation 3/10/2023
Where does Revelation show people in Heaven? 3/10/2023
Timeline of rapture of the church 5/11/2020
Daniel and Rapture and Tribulation prophecy chart
Daniel and Tribulation detailed research 4/30/2020
Lessons to today's churches from negative things
Jesus told the 7 churches in Revelation 4/14/2020
In later times some will depart from the faith
An over controlling person 1/22/2024
What is good about "Good Friday"? 4/7/2023
Out of darkness came a light 4/5/2023
The silent sin of men and boys (pornography)
You do not know me (a message from a false
Alone – but He is with you 9/8/2020
Predestination vs. Free Choice
A story of God's plan to reconcile His children
Why did God create people who could sin? 8/19/2020
How and when do people have free choice? 8/19/2020
Those He foreknew He chose 2/11/2020
Simple Calvinism vs Molinism comparison 10/30/2019
Middle Knowledge/Molinism 7/2/2019
My current Christian beliefs 6/5/2019
False Christianity
Pope says Mary is not a Redeemer 3/25/2021
Which religions are true and which are false? 11/15/2020
You do not know me (a message from a false
False Christians among us 10/17/2019
Christian vs Non-Christian Characteristics 7/25/2019
Lies Christians believe 6/28/2019
Churches, are we guilty of this? 6/20/2019
Brain Rules
Learning/Memory - Brain Rules 1/3/2021
Teaching/Presenting - Brain Rules 1/3/2021
Exercise - Brain Rules 1/3/2021
Conversion vs. Salvation 2/4/2025
What breaks your heart? 2/4/2025
Saving Grace and Transforming Grace 2/4/2025
The Holy Spirit in us 6/20/2024
Wisdom of God Part 1 11/11/2023
Wisdom of God Part 1 11/11/2023
Wisdom of God Part 2 11/11/2023
Understanding the Holy Trinity? 1/22/2024
God defends himself to Job 4/26/2021
What does Easter Mean to a Christian? 4/4/2021
How can we relate to the Holy Spirit? 2/25/2021
An Introduction of Jesus 2/23/2021
Jesus - Fully Man, Fully God 2/20/2021
3 Persons of God Show Up on Earth Together 1/24/2021
Jesus came to bring division 7/20/2019
Jesus was overwhelming 7/8/2019
Bible Study, Books and History
The way of the righteous and the wicked (Psalm 1) 7/3/2024
Do you read the Bible? 12/12/2022
Interpreting scripture physically or spiritually 10/9/2022
Letter to the Church in Ephesus 10/21/2021
HEAR Bible Study Technique 9/8/2021
Jacob - a strong-willed young man 5/4/2021
2 Trees in the Garden of Eden 5/4/2021
Current Issues/Political Topics
Changing culture without being changed 6/20/2024
Christian witness of white evangelicals 10/21/2021
Why are Trump supporters not getting the Covid vaccine? 6/12/2021
When Trump Lost Power 6/8/2021
Recovering from President Trump 6/8/2021
Other Bible Topics
Your Single Conversion and Many Baptisms 1/22/2024
Criticisms of the Evangelical Church 9/22/2023
Are traditions in church good? Part 2 8/2/2023
How important is politics? 6/3/2023
I am addicted to genealogy 6/3/2023
What is the age of the Universe? 6/3/2023
Is Heaven real to you? 6/3/2023
Jesus writes a personal letter to churches in our country 10/25/2021
Some lessons from Mully 11/11/2021
Living with no sin in Heaven 4/5/2021
User-friendly theology books 8/6/2019
Pilot's Wife Claudia and Caiaphas 7/23/2021
Honest view of Virgin Mary (and Saints) 7/4/2019
Did miracles go away after Jesus and His apostles
Why did Jesus speak in parables? 6/27/2019
Clarence Larkin bible charts 6/22/2019